Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Increasing email lists or Customer Request Numbers don't Always Paint a Truthful Picture.

No matter how an employee performs, at some point numbers may be exclusively used to determine their "value" and how well they "perform". But what if the numbers lie? What if entire sectors of a company have figured out how to amp up their results without getting caught and continue down this path because it is the only way to keep their job?

I am in the midst of a shocking discovery regarding a major corporation and satellite company fraud they refuse to investigate. The very well known company has an affiliate in India that is falsely coding customer requests. I am assuming this being done to show that as calls come in, the satellite company can show an excellent response rate by making sure they always code the customer calling in as wanting some type of information.

If the customer is actually asking to be taken off of a list,  an employee or satellite company can falsely code that  the customer wanted information. This creates the falsehood of an increasing customer response rate. Falsifying customer request records also causes the parent company to then pay for the resources necessary to fulfill the false requests being made by the satellite company on behalf of the customer. In this instance the further irony is the parent company has created a closed feedback loop system in which any complaints about the satellite company are automatically forwarded back to the same satellite company that is committing the original false requests! Wow! 

It may take years to discover a sector of a company is amping up their results. I recall early on in my working career I was at a very famous company that was going to merge with two other successful companies. The problem was each company had debt that they had hidden from each other while they all were comparing their bottom lines.

Each company thought they were being saved by the other two companies that had actually hidden an equivalent amount of debt. The three companies basically became three times as indebted once the merger was completed, and was out of business less than a year later.

Fast forward and one thing I notice on LinkedIn is a growing community of number crunchers who justify their value by the increased numbers of leads or email lists they are generating. Who can blame them, that is the method the company uses to justify their worth. 

I wonder if shrinking a data base of leads to the best and most qualified connections might prove more valuable than increasing a data base list among people who simply clicked to belong, irrespective as to how committed they actually are to becoming a future paying customer.

Amidst the potentially dodgy statistical dust that potentially can loom among all corporations, never forget that sometimes people outside of the company who value your actual product or service you provide may be your best bell weather as to what is right about your company. 

If one of those outside the company supportive entities believes they may have a way to accelerate value for your brand or product you make, do you have an intake system that might allow for some type of alliance with them? 

If an outside value accelerator can benefit your company by a much grander scale they themselves will personally benefit, it may make sense to have some type of intake mechanism. If you don't have an intake mechanism in place for Product an Brand Value Zccelerators, maybe its time to reconsider.

Visit my LinkedIN page to learn more.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

NFL players Sue NFL regarding the National Anthem Kneeling Controversy.

As a Brand and Product Value Accelerator, I believe that one way to accelerate Value is to avoid lawsuits when possible. I have been making slow motion inroads on LinkedIn with various NFL contacts. My pitch is similar. I can resolve the National Anthem Kneeling Controversy.

I am so confident I can help that I would gladly exchange my ideas for a contingency deal memo, a contingency deal memo in which the NFL can set all the rules. Anyways, I'm still here, I still have the ideas, and I'll try again to see if the NFL is interested in hearing ideas that could resolve the National Anthem Kneeling Controversy.

Visit my LinkedIN page to learn more.

Monday, July 9, 2018

How would your company respond if someone claimed they could move 5 million units of one of your products?

How would your company react if a value accelerator claimed they could sell five million units of one of your products? Would you automatically laugh it off?  Why?

Do you have a policy in place that if a company employee is contacted via LinkedIn the employee knows how to respond? Do you have the proper intake within your company to give fair consideration to such an offer?

Employees might be afraid to forward a product value acceleration claim. Maybe the employee sees it as a test to see if the employee knows how to defuse what may be an unrealistic claim. But what if the claim could be backed up? If the employee is not sure are they going to be punished if they forward the product value acceleration claim on to someone else within the company?

If a company simply refuses to believe a value accelerator's confidence in one of their products, then the refusal becomes a self fulfilling, or, self unfulfilling wish.

Visit my LinkedIN page to learn more.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Why Outside Value Accelerators are a good thing.

I operated my own videotape editing studio for 15 years. During that time I would edit with the client right next to me. Discussions between edits varied. When it came to internal company politics, I was informed that whenever a company president selected the direction their company would take, that there were at least 2 to 3 factions within the company that were all were competing with one another's vision vying for the President's blessing.

Inevitably some of the projects would take a back seat to the project the company President felt was the direction the company should go in immediately. Example, the company could promote its products via trade shows all over the country, radio ads, or create some type of live show that would be featured at the trade shows, or do sophisticated in store set-ups.

Once the choice was made those who had been lobbying for a different course of action would have to fall in line and be supportive of the president's decision, while possibly secretly being ready to turn the knife if the winning idea faltered in such a was as to blame the project chosen ahead of their own without faulting the president of the company.

Now add an outsider with an idea that could actually accelerate the brand or product value for the company. How are all of these factions that were already competing with each other supposed to react?

Yet the irony is the outside presence is supportive of the company and its products and services and has been inspired by the company's effort and results. It's all about perspective, is this outsider here because the company insiders didn't do their job, or did the company insiders do their job really well and it has attracted additional outside interest?

Back in the early 90's Panasonic's consumer video division created the MX-12 analog / digital switcher. Before it was to be released the professional division of Panasonic looked the product over and said it was too good for a consumer release. The MX-12 became a "prosumer", professional consumer product instead and this soon led to the MX-50, a remarkable analog / digital switcher for its time in the early mid 90's.

The MX-50 had a clip level control that allowed for amateur shot video to be readjusted by clipping the whites and bringing up other video levels to better control the contrast values. When combined with a videotape playback machine that had proc amp controls for the brightness, contrast, color and hue levels, the two units in combination offered remarkable control over consumer video footage that otherwise was deemed too contrasty.

Being able to analyze an existing product and accelerate its value is a good thing, and people such as myself who occasionally see product and brand value acceleration potential should be seen as the good guys, Intrapreneurs on the Outside looking in.

Visit my LinkedIN page to learn more.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Welcome to My Brand in Demand.

My name is Alessandro Machi and I am an Extrapreneur with Intrapreneur ideas and concepts. From time to time I'll come up with a concept for accelerating the Value of a Brand, or accelerating a Product within a Brand.

Presently there are over a dozen ideas and concepts for existing Brands, Products and Services I can help accelerate sales.

However, having a brand or product value accelerator idea, and actually creating a scenario where the company is willing to accept an extrapreneur's idea, is never as easy as one would hope.

I'm open to contingency deal memos, if a company I approach about accelerating their brand or product value does not want to use my idea, there is no charge. I am open to the company creating a contingency deal memo. If I believe strongly in a product of yours, believing in me can be mutually beneficial.

Visit my LinkedIN page to learn more.